Chelsea Flats Awarded HDIP Tax Credits

Joined by US Representative Michael Capuano and friends of the Box District, on Friday, May 10, Undersecretary Aaron Gornstein announced the award of $800,000 of Housing Development Incentive Program Tax Credits (HDIP) to Chelsea Flats -- a Mitchell Properties project that TC staff is managing through the development phase.

The Housing Development Incentive Program (HDIP) rovides tax incentives to developers for market rate housing in "Gateway Cities" in Massachusetts. In addition to working with the State for several years in the creation of the regulations, TC worked with the City of Chelsea to create an HDIP district centered around the Box District to allow for Chelsea Flats to utilize the credit and encourage the further development of market rate housing in the District.

or more information about the use of HDIP for project contact Dave directly at 617-542-6500 x705.

n addition to the award, TC was also excited to start demolition on Chelsea Flats which coincided with the Highland Terrace Ribbon Cutting --The Neighborhood Developers newest affordable housing development across the street from Chelsea Flats.











CF Demo Start Photo